Education, Training and Certification activities

AMIIW: IIW India conducts AMIIW examination all over India to confer certification equivalent to Graduate Engineering Degree of a University as recognised by the HRD Department Government of India.

ANB: The Institute is the only Authorised National Body (ANB) of the Int.I.W. in India for award of International Diplomas to Welding Personnel at various levels, which are globally recognised and accepted. The Diplomas offered are for Welding Coordination and Welding Inspection conforming to the requirement of ISO 14731. International Welder curriculum is also conducted at Approved Training Bodies (ATB) of ANB-India. ANB-India also awards Welders Certification and Approval test against ISO 9606, EN 287 & ASME Sec IX

ANBCC-India: IIW-India has now received full approval from IAB to operate as an Authorised National Body for Company Certification (ANBCC) in India under IIW’s Manufacturers Certification scheme. This will allow ANBCC India to conduct certification audit of companies for conformance to ISO 3834.

MES-SDI: IIW India has been empanelled by Government of India, DGE&T (Director General of Employment and Training) as an assessing body in Fabrication sector under its Skill Development initiatives – MES-SDI (Modular Employment Schemes – Skill Development Initiative).

NWTCS: The Institute’s NWTCS (National Welders’ Training and Certification Scheme) at the national level has been launched to meet the industries’ demand for welders trained and certified to a level of competency commensurate with their requirements. The scheme covers requirements for ‘Training & Certification’ or ‘Certification’ only to be operated by the IIW National Certification Board.



Other Activities

1) Conduct technical meetings, workshops; industry oriented training programs etc. at the Branch level.

2) Organise seminars and conferences on welding and allied sciences at Branch, National and International level.

3)Organise National and International Welding & Cutting exhibitions.

4)Publish the Indian Welding Journal quarterly in collaboration with AWS and a monthly Newsletter on the web-site.

5) Launch and maintain a website for dissemination all information about the Institute, its activities, announcements, educational training, certification, R&D initiatives etc. The website contains links to current and archived technical information of welding technology, technical education, training and certification schemes and all other relevant updated information about the Institute.

6)Support Welding Research & Development activities by instituting Awards to scientists, research holders and engineers which are presented at the annual seminar.

7)To co-ordinate with the International Institute of Welding and other technical / research institutes in India and abroad for exchange of technical information.

8)Provide and disseminate technical information and advice to the individual and industry.