The advantages of being a member of the Institute are many and will depend upon how one make use of its services to their requirements. The most important one is that, this is the platform for acquiring the knowledge in welding & disseminate its benefit to others to add value to the industry. The Institute provides unique opportunities for its members to attain its well-organised Seminars, Technical Talks, Training & Educational programmes. Useful contact with fellow National & International Experts are possible through the Indian Institute of Welding. Other benefits are : –

  • Every members are eligible to receive a free Journal once in a quarter, enriched with articles on latest development in Welding Technology. Currently in every issue there will be separate section for American Welding Society (AWS). In this section the articles are written by prominent Technologist of the worldA member may publish his article in the Indian Welding Journal (IWJ)
  • A member is eligible to appear in AM – IIW examination and obtain AM -IW degree which is equivalent to Bachelor Degree in Welding Technology as approved by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
  • Free accesses to IIW library situated at all IIW Branch Office as well as at its national HQ at Kolkata
  • A member may attend any International Congress / Annual Assembly, National Conference / Seminar / Meet at a concessional delegate fees
  • Appear for the Diploma & Certification programme, which is recognised all over the world of the International Institute of Welding through Authorised Training Bodies (ATBs) appointed and controlled by ANB – India
  • Can be elected into the National Council as well in Branch Managing Committees



The Advantages of Being an Industrial Corporate Member of IIW

  • Any Technical problems related to welding can be referred to the Institute which will be attendedby the Experts panel.
  • On request, the Indian Institute of Welding may conduct technical lectures in the premises of the individual organisation to upgrade the knowledge.
  • Tailor made Training program can also be conducted by a group of Experts on request by the organisation.
  • Advertisement in the Journal (IWJ) will give wide publicity of the products.
  • Can be elected into the National Council as well in Branch Managing Committees.