IIW-India ANB Organisation

IIW-India ANB Organisation


The Authorised Nominated Body (ANB) is an operating division of The Indian Institute of Welding (A non-profit making organisation Registered under companies act) and in conformance with the professional requirement rules of the International Institute of Welding and managed by an elected Council. All the legal and statutory responsibilities of the ANB rest with the IIWANB-India Council.


The ANB has a Governing Board comprising eminent professional persons drawn from all over India and cover various stakeholders as per IAB Rule and are appointed by the ANB Council. All policy decisions are taken by the Governing Board (GB) of the ANB. The ANB-GB is headed by a Chairman who is elected by the Governing Board members.
Executive Committee is made of G.B members nominated by the Governing Board to monitor and to routinely guide the activities of ANB and is headed by a Chairman. The working decisions may be taken by the Executive Committee, based on the overall policy decision of the Governing Board and subject to its ratification as detailed in the IIW-India -ANB Quality System Manual (QSM)


A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) appointed is responsible for all executive function of ANB with the support of Director ANB and other qualified executives. CEO reports directly to Chairman of Governing Body through the Executive committee.


Members of the Board of Examiners are nominated by ANB Governing Board and are headed by a Chairman responsible for overseeing activities of team of Examiners and guide Controller of Examination relating to Examination independent of CEO as per IAB Rules, Guideline & OP as applicable following specific ANB QSM, OP and work instructions.


Lead Assessor and Peer Assessors are appointed by the Board of Governors on the recommendation of CEO to assess and ensure compliance of all Approved Training Bodies (ATB) activities as per IAB Rules & Guideline, ANB QSM & OP and specific contract conditions & liaise with the ANB officials as required and report to the GB/Executive Committee through CEO. ANB is subjected to regular internal system Audit by a qualified third party apart from regular Audit by IAB appointed Assessors to ensure compliance to international norms.