Personnel Qualification & Certification


The IIW (International Institute of Welding) was founded in 1948 by the welding institutes or societies of 13 countries that considered it crucial to make more rapid scientific and technical progress possible on a global basis. The IIW membership today comprises welding associations from over 55 countries, with ever more nations continually indicating interest. IIW have developed and administer a Unified International System for Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel, which is globally recognised and internationally accepted and administered by its International Authorisation Body (IAB) and operated in 43 countries. International Institute of Welding (IIW) is the accredited global agency for implementation of all International Standards (ISO) in the field of welding. The Indian Institute Of Welding has been accredited by IIW as its only ‘Authorised Nominated Body’ (ANB) in India (To be referred to as ANB-India) to operate its above international schemes and award International Welding Diplomas and personnel certification according to IIW Authorisation by their International Authorisation Board (IAB). The details are covered under various groups as below in the site Plan