Prof. Placid Rodriguez Memorial Lecture
Sponsored by
IIW-INDIA Chennai Branch

The Placid Rodriguez memorial lecture was instituted in 2008 by IIW-India Chennai Branch for welding engineers / scientists below 45-years of age and who have contributed significantly in the field of welding science and technology in India and presented during the National Welding Seminars / International Welding Congress / Conference of the Institute.

Late Prof. Rodriguez,Ex-President
IIW-INDIA(1993-95) was an eminent scientist
Known all over the World

After a B.Sc. degree from Kerala University he did his B.E (Metallurgy) at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He joined the Department of Atomic Energy through its Training School and worked at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre at Bombay from 1961 till 1974. He was deputed to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA during 1963 to 1965 for specialized training; during this period he obtained his M.S in Metallurgical Engineering from University of Tennessee. He was awarded the Ph.D. degree of the Indian Institute of Science in 1976.

As Director of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) during 1992-2000, with the overall responsibility for the management of the Indian Fast Reactor programme, using the Fast Breeder Test Reactor at IGCAR as a test bed, he paved the way for the present Indian maturity in Fast Reactor technology.

Since welding is the most important fabrication process in the construction of Fast Breeder Reactors, Dr. Rodriguez placed special emphasis on metal fabrication and welding in the programme at IGCAR. After his retirement from DAE, he joined DRDO on November 1, 2000 as Chairman of its Recruitment and Assessment Centre, New Delhi.

Dr. Rodriguez had been closely associated with The Indian Institute of Welding for many decades and was a member of the Executive Committee of the Madras Branch and rose to become its Vice-chairman (1986-90). He took up responsibility at the national level as Chairman of the Commission V for testing measurement and control of welds during the period 1977-84. He was Vice President and the Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Institute (1991-92) during which period reports from India were submitted for the first time to the Commissions of the International Institute of Welding. He served the Institute with great distinction as its President, during 1993 to 1995.

In recognition of his yeoman and sustained contributions to Welding Research, the Welding Profession and the Institute, The Indian Institute of Welding conferred its Lifetime Achievement Award 2006 on Dr. Placid Rodriguez.

He passed away suddenly due to cardiac failure on 31st August 2008 at 12:20p.m.


1.The person must be below 45-years of age.
2.The person must have significant contribution in field of welding science and technology in India.
3.The person should be working in India at the time of the award.
4.The person’s contribution should have made a significant impact on welding science and technology in India.


Evaluation Procedure

1.Nominations are invited from individuals with recommendations from
a.IIW National Council members
b.IIW Branch Managing Committee members
c.Section Head / Division Head / Head of the Institution at which the candidate is working.
2.The technical committee or a subcommittee formulated by it will evaluate the nominations for award.
3.The evaluation committee shall be entitled to seek opinion from experts, if required.
4.The nomination should highlight one or two of the most significant contributions of the candidate.
5.The technical committee’s recommendation will be forwarded to the council for approval
6.Membership of the Indian Institute of Welding is not a necessary criterion to apply for the award. However, the awardee must become a Life Member of the Institute after the announcement of the Award.
7.In case no suitable candidate is found, the award need not be given that year

The winner of this award receives a Certificate and Rs.10,000/-.