Venus Wires Award
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M/s. Venus Wires Limited, Mumbai

Venus Wires award is given to the best technical paper on stainless steel application presented during the National Welding Seminars / International Congress / Conference of the Institute. Instituted from 2009, the award is given for the best paper on Stainless Steel R&D, fabrication techniques, Consumable development for MMAW / GMAW / FCAW processes.


Evaluation Criteria



  • Purpose/Objective of the fabrication/repair and its industrial importance.
  • Benefits visualised through lower cost and higher functional efficiency.
  • Clearly defined planning and scope of work.





  • Originality of approach/novelty of design – Ingenuity in the use of materials and adoption of welding processes.
  • Innovation or ingenuity in setting up work, adopting procedures for higher productivity/quality.
  • Method of fabrication/repair/execution of project – how correct and systematic is it?
  • Final inspection/test data and performance analysis




  • Accuracy of the results in terms of cost savings, functional efficiency, with reference to the objectives specified by the author.
  • Other findings, if any, of importance besides what was specified, as a by-product during the course of the work.

Overall writing style and effectiveness in communication.

  • Evaluation Procedure



WHY – 20%, HOW – 40%, WHAT – 40%


  • Each paper is evaluated by three separate judges (Professors, Researchers, Welding engineers from various fabrication industries, consultants, consumable manufacturers etc.) for each category.
  • Copies of the papers are sent to the judges.
  • Their evaluation is compiled and normalised with respect to Judges average and the global average.
  • Care is taken to avoid the judge being one of the authors of the papers being evaluated.


The winner of this award receives a Certificate and a cash prize of Rs.10,000.00.