Certification schemes under NWTCS
(Accredited by NABET as a Conformity Assessment Body for
Certification of Personnel as per ISO/IEC 17024:2012 Standard)


1) Certification Scheme for MMAW Foundation (MMAW – F)
2) Certification Scheme for GTAW Foundation (NWTCS – GTAW-F)
3) Certification Scheme for GMAW Foundation (GMAW – F)
4) Certification Scheme for Oxy-Fuel Gas Cutting (Foundation) (NWTCS-OFGC– F)
5) Certification Scheme for Plasma Cutting (Foundation) (NWTCS-PC– F)
6) Certification Scheme for Industry oriented Standard MMAW Structural Welding (MMAW – S)
7) Certification Scheme for Industry Oriented GMAW Structural Welding (GMAW – S)
8) Certification Scheme for Standard Boiler and Pressure Vessel Welding (MMAW – P)
9) Certification Scheme for Auto Sector Welding (GMAW – A)
10) Certification Scheme for Expert Welder (NWTCS – EW)

Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for MMAW Foundation (MMAW – F)

Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out Basic level of Manual Metal Arc Welding covering the following…


  1. Working
  2. Preparing of equipment and materials for welding
  3. Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate materials prior to welding if
  4. Carry out welding of non-critical structure by MMAW
  5. Preparation of basic weld joints for assessment of

Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out basic manual metal arc welding for joining of non-critical structure such as grills, gates, furniture, light structure work, repair of equipments etc. having a basic understanding of the process, equipments, consumables and procedures. Also having a knowledge of the hazards from welding and safety precautions required.

Required competence:

  1. The candidate should be able to perform manual metal arc welding (MMAW) for producing fillet and groove welds on carbon and low alloy steels in 1G (groove joints) and in 2F (H – V – fillet) and 3F (Vertical up fillet) using correct equipment, raw materials and welding consumables and carry out welding operations in a safe manner ensuring safety for self and others
  2. Should be conversant with hazards of gas and arc welding and correct precautions to be
  3. Should be able to do gas cutting and should be familiar with MMAW process and its
  4. Should have a basic idea of the MMAW and Gas Welding/Cutting Process and. equipments


Required ability:

Should be able to prepare different weld joints in different positions on plates, sheets and structural components by using MMAW process with minimum of significant defects.

Required prerequisite:


  1. Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English Vocabulary (May be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout )
  2. The candidate may be considered for certification if he has minimum 6 months experience or has been previously trained in this job for a sufficient length of
  3. The candidate should be of minimum 18 years of age on the date of application for certification


Required code of conduct:

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.






Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for GTAW Foundation (NWTCS – GTAW-F)

Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out Basic level of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding covering the following…


  1. Working safely.
  2. Preparing of equipment and materials for welding operation
  3. Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate and structural materials prior to welding if required
  4. Carry out welding of basic structure by GTAW process
  5. Preparation of basic weld joints for assessment of quality


Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out basic Gas Tungsten arc welding for joining of light sheet metal structures and thin plate etc. and should have a basic understanding of the process, equipments, consumables including selection of shielding gases and procedures. Also should have knowledge of the hazards from welding and consequesnt safety precautions required.


Required competence:


  1. Should have a basic idea of the MMAW and Gas Welding/Cutting Process and equipments required
  2. Should be familiar with GTAW process, its equipments and consumables and be conversant with hazards of gas cutting and GTAW process and correct precautions needed to be adopted
  3. Should be able to do gas cutting of sheet/plate from 3mm to 6mm thickness. and should be familiar with GTAW process and its consumables
  4. The candidate should be able to perform Gas Tungsten arc welding (GTAW) for producing fillet joints on 2F, 3F and 4F positions on 3-5mm plate. He should be able to prepare single ‘V’-60o Butt-joint on5-6 mm plate in 1G position. Should be able to do edge preparations for welding pipes in5G position.

Required ability:

Should be able to prepare different weld joints in different positions on plates and sheets by using GTAW process with minimum of defects as per visual standards.


Required code of conduct:

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.


General Eligibility:


Minimum Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English vocabulary. And must have some basic knowledge of MMAW process and gas cutting.


Must have at least 2 years’ industrial experience as MMAW welder.








Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for GMAW Foundation (GMAW – F)

Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out Basic level of Gas Metal Arc Welding covering the following:


  1. Working safely
  2. Preparation of equipment and materials for welding operation
  3. Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate/pipe materials prior to welding if required
  4. Carry out welding of basic joints by GMAW process
  5. Preparation of basic weld joints for assessment of quality


Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out basic Gas Metal Arc welding for joining of plate/pipe materials etc. and should have a basic understanding of the process, equipments, consumables including selection of shielding gases, gas mixtures for particular applications. Should have knowledge of the hazards of welding and consequent safety precautions required.


Required competence:


  1. Should have a basic idea of the MMAW and Gas Welding/Cutting Process and. equipments required
  2. The candidate should be able to perform Gas Metal Arc welding (GMAW) for producing 2F (Horizontal- vertical) and multi-run 3F (Vertical-up) fillet joints on 6-8mm plates. He should be able to prepare single ‘V’-60o Butt-joint on 8 mm plate in D.H. position. Should be able to prepare tube to plate welds in 2Fand 5FR positions with dip transfer using Argon-CO2 gas.
  3. Should be familiar with GMAW process, its equipments and consumables and be conversant with hazards of gas cutting and GMAW and consequent precautions needed
  4. Should be able to do fitting of equipments and do gas cutting


Required ability:

Should be able to prepare different weld joints in different positions on plates by using GMAW process with minimum of defects as per visual standards.


Required code of conduct:

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.


General Eligibility:

Essential: Minimum Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English vocabulary. No initial theory and practical knowledge required for GMAW process.







Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Oxy-Fuel Gas Cutting (Foundation) (NWTCS-OFGC– F)

 Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out Basic level of Oxy- Fuel Gas Cutting covering the following:


  1. Working safely
  2. Preparation of equipment and materials for cutting operation
  3. Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate materials of non-critical structure
  4. Preparation of basic Gas Cut components/parts for assessment of quality


Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out Oxy-Fuel Gas Cutting, having a basic understanding of the process, equipments, consumables and procedures. Should have knowledge of the hazards from Gas Cutting operation and consequent safety precautions required.


Required competence:

  1. The candidate should be able to perform Oxy-Fuel Gas Cutting of carbon steels for producing desired quality of cut using correct equipment, correct nozzles, gas cylinders and regulator equipments and carry out cutting operations in a safe manner ensuring safety for self and others
  2. He should be able to perform manual straight-line cutting of 300 mm length plates of thicknesses varying from 6 mm-20 mm. He should also be able to cut shapes and round holes as marked on the plates in horizontal positions
  3. Should be conversant with hazards of gas cutting and correct precautions to be adopted
  4. He should use proper PPEs and have fair idea of PPEs, First Aid, Fire Fighting Process and group work

Required ability:

Should be able to do cutting using different fuel gases e.g. DA, LPG, Propane in down hand position on plates, sheets and structural components with minimum defects ensuring a clean cut surface with minimum dross/slag sticking to bottom of plate. It is desirable that he should have fair idea of cutting operation in different positions. He should be able to mark the cutting line with punch.


Required prerequisites:


  • Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and Basic English/Hindi vocabulary (May be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout  etc.)
  • The candidate may be considered for certification if he has minimum 6 months experience or has been previously trained in this job for a sufficient length of time
  • The candidate should be of minimum 18 years of age on the date of application for certification


Required code of conduct:

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.







Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Plasma Cutting (Foundation) (NWTCS-PC– F)

Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out Basic level of Plasma Cutting covering the following:

  1. Working safely
  2. Preparation of equipment and materials for cutting operation
  3. 3 Carrying out plasma cutting operations of plate materials of non-critical structure.
  4. Preparation of basic Plasma Cut components/parts for assessment of quality.

Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out Plasma Cutting, having a basic understanding of the process, equipments, consumables and procedures. Should have knowledge of the hazards of plasma Cutting operation and consequent safety precautions required.


Required competence:

  1. The candidate should be able to perform Plasma Cutting of ferrous materials using Air Plasma and produce desired quality of cut using correct equipment, amperage and pressure in a safe manner ensuring safety for self and others
  2. He should be able to perform manual straight-line cutting of 300 mm length plates of thicknesses varying from 2 mm-10 mm. He should also be able to cut round holes and different geometrical shapes on plates marked with point or chalks ensuring a clean cut surface with minimum taper
  3. Should be conversant with hazards of plasma cutting and correct precautions to be adopted
  4. He should use proper PPEs and have fair idea of PPEs, First Aid, Fire Fighting Process and group work. He should also have basic knowledge of the hazards associated with Plasma Cutting

Required ability:

Should be able to do different cutting in down hand position on plates, sheets and structural components by using Plasma Cutting Process with minimum defects.. It is desirable that he should have fair idea of cutting operation in different positions. He should be able to mark the cutting line with punch.


Required prerequisites:


  1. Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and Basic English/Hindi vocabulary (May be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout etc )
  2. The candidate may be considered for certification if he has minimum 6 months experience or has been previously trained in this job for a sufficient length of time
  3. The candidate should be of minimum 18 years of age on the date of application for certification


Required code of conduct:

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.







Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Industry oriented Standard MMAW Structural Welding (MMAW – S) 

Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out Advanced level of Manual Metal Arc Welding for structural work covering the following:

  1. Working safely
  2. Preparing of equipment and materials for welding operation
  3. Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate, structural and fabrication materials prior to welding if required.
  4. Carry out welding of dynamically loaded structural and fabrication joints by MMAW process
  5. Preparation of structural weld joints for assessment of quality


Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out Manual Metal arc welding for joining of light and heavy metal sections to high integrity structures which may be dynamically loaded. He should have fair knowledge of the process, equipments and consumables. Also should have knowledge of the hazards during welding and consequent safety precautions needed to be taken like using proper PPEs and fire extinction devices etc.


Required competence:

Should have a basic knowledge and skill of Gas Welding and Cutting Process and. equipments.

  1. Should have a sound knowledge in MMAW process and its consumables and be able to execute welding of different industrial structures in different welding positions using different techniques. He should be aware of the welding hazards. He should be able to weld with electrodes of different classification and of various sizes. He should be capable of doing back gouging of root runs in thicker plates and provide sealing runs on it
  2. The candidate should be able to perform Manual Metal arc welding (MMAW) for producing basic fillet joints and multi-run fillet joints on 8-10mm plate. He should be able to weld plate to plate and plate to pipe joints in 2F and 5F positions. He should be able to prepare Single ‘V’ and Double ‘V’ butt joints on 20mm plates in 1G,2G and 3G positions using E6013 and E7018 electrodes with back gouging of root runs.
  3. Should be able to do gas cutting of plates or structural materials from 3mm to 20mm thickness



Required ability:

Should be able to prepare different type of weld joints in different positions on thinner and thicker plates and other industrial structures by using MMAW process with minimum of defects as per visual and radiographic standards.


Required code of conduct:

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.


General Eligibility:


Minimum Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English vocabulary and preferably have some basic knowledge in gas cutting and MMAW process.



Pass in Class X/School leaving examination will have an advantage in the learning process.








Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Industry Oriented GMAW Structural Welding (GMAW – S)

Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out Advanced level of Gas Metal Arc Welding for structural work covering the following:

  1. Working safely
  2. Preparation of equipment and materials for welding operation
  3. Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate, structural and fabrication materials prior to welding, if required.
  4. Carry out welding of dynamically loaded structural and fabrication joints by GMAW process
  5. Preparation of structural weld joints for assessment of quality


Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out Gas Metal Arc welding for joining of light and heavy metal sections to high integrity structures which may be dynamically loaded and should have fair knowledge of the process, equipments and consumables Also should have knowledge of the hazards during welding and consequent safety precautions needed to be taken like using of proper PPEs and fire extinction devices.


Required competence:

  1. Should have a basic knowledge and skill of GMAW Process and equipments.
  2. Should have knowledge of different shielding gases, gas mixtures and different filler wires being used for different applications- their functions and behavior during welding
  3. Should have knowledge of different Metal Transfer modes used in GMAW process, setting and adjustment of welding parameters accordingly
  4. Should know the principles of FCAW process and classifications and functions of different types of flux- cored wires
  5. Should be able to do gas cutting of plates or structural materials ranging from 3mm to 20mm
  6. The candidate should be able to perform Manual Metal Arc welding (MMAW) for producing basic fillet joints and multi-run fillet joints on 8-10 mm plate and should be able to prepare single ‘V’Butt-joint on10 mm thick plate in 1G position using E-7018 electrodes
  7. Should be able to produce Horizontal fillet (2F) and Vertical fillet (3F) using GMAW open arc spray transfer and Argon-Co2 Should be able to do tube to plate welds in 2F and 5F positions using dip transfer mode and Argon-CO2 mixtures.
  8. Should be able to prepare a ‘V’-butt joint on 12mm thick plate in 3G position in multi-runs using GMAW dip- transfer mode and Argon-CO2 gas mixtures

Required ability:

Should be able to prepare different types of weld joints in different positions on plates and other dynamically loaded structural materials by using GMAW process with different modes of metal transfers and gas mixtures with minimum of defects as per visual and radiographic standards.


Required code of conduct:

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.


General Eligibility: Essential:

Minimum Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English vocabulary.



Pass in Class X/ School Leaving examination will have an advantage in the learning process.








Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Standard Boiler and Pressure Vessel Welding  Course (MMAW – P) 

Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out Advanced level of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Welding course covering the following:

  1. Working safely
  2. Preparing of equipment and materials for welding operation
  3. Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate, structural, fabrication and pipe materials prior to welding if required.
  4. Carry out welding of dynamically loaded structural, fabrication and pressure vessel joints for use in boilers and pressure vessels by both MMAW and GTAW
  5. Preparation of structural weld joints for assessment of quality


Job and task description:

The candidate should be able to carry out Manual Metal arc welding and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and combination of both for joining of critical Boilers and Pressure Vessel shells and components operating at high pressures and temperatures and should have fair knowledge of the process, equipments and consumables. Also should have knowledge of the hazards during welding and consequent safety precautions needed to be taken like using proper PPEs and fire extinction devices etc.

Required competence:

  1. Should have a basic knowledge and skill of MMAW and GTAW Processes and. their equipments and using both the process simultaneously
  2. Should have knowledge of different MMAW electrodes, baking of electrodes and GTAW filler wires
  3. Should have knowledge of different types of Boiler quality plates and pipes that are to be welded
  4. Should have knowledge of edge-preparation of pipes and their fit-up.
  5. Should have knowledge of techniques and sequences of welding of pipes in 2G, 5G and 6G positions
  6. Should have knowledge of TIG Welding machines and their characteristics
  7. Should have knowledge of different Tungsten electrodes used in GTAW process and grinding of Tungsten electrodes of different angles and their effect on welding
  8. The candidate should be able to perform Manual Metal arc welding (MMAW) for producing fillet welds on plate to plate of 6-8mm thick on 2F, 3F and 4F positions using E-6013 and E-7018 electrodes
  9. He should be able to prepare Single ‘V’ and Double ‘V’ butt joints on 10mm plates in 1G,2G and 3G positions using E7018 electrodes by MMAW process
  10. Should be able to produce fillet joints in 2F, 3F and 4F positions on 3mm M.S.Plate by GTAW process using 2.4mm ФER70S-2 filler wires
  11. Should be able to produce fillet joints in 5F positions on Plate to pipe by GTAW process
  12. Should be able to produce butt joints on pipes in 5G and 6G positions with root runs by GTAW process and subsequent runs by MMAW process



Required ability:

Should be able to prepare radiographic quality of weld joints on plates and pipes by using MMAW and GTAW processes and with the combinations of both processes.


Required code of conduct:

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.


General Eligibility: Essential:

Minimum Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English vocabulary and preferably have some basic knowledge in gas cutting and MMAW process.



Pass in Class X/School leaving examination will have an advantage in the learning process.









Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Auto Sector Welding (GMAW – A)

Scope of Certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out Industry oriented Standard Auto Sector Welding jobs covering the following…

  1. Working Safely
  2. Preparing of equipment and materials for welding operations
  3. Carry out gas cutting of plate materials prior to welding if required
  4. Carry out welding of joints and assemblies using various welding processes viz. GMAW and MMAW, GTAW in different welding positions for welding of auto components and assemblies

Job and task description:

  1. Should be able to carry out welding of carbon and stainless steel plates and sheets using different welding processes, correct welding equipments, raw materials and welding consumables
  2. Should be able to prepare fillet and butt weld joints on carbon steel and stainless steel plates and sheets in different welding positions using GMAW along with MMAW & GTAW processes.
  3. . Should be able to do gas cutting if required
  4. Should be conversant with hazards of gas cutting and different arc welding processes and correct precautions to be adopted ..

Required Competence:

  1. Should be able to use GMAW, MMAW and GTAW processes for producing fillet welds on carbon steels in 2F position.
  2. Should be able to use GMAW process for producing butt joints using both Down-hand and Vertical Welding.


Required ability:

Should be able to prepare different weld joints in different welding positions on carbon steel and stainless steel plates and sheets to meet the welding quality standards required by auto industries.


Required prerequisites:


  • Minimum class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English Vocabulary (May be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout etc )
  • Must have completed basic level of MMAW, GTAW and GMAW training and obtained appropriate certification.


The candidate should have adequate experience in working in this field.

Age: The candidate should be of minimum of 18 years of age.



Students who have completed Class X/ school leaving examination will have added advantage in the learning process.

Required code of conduct

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols








Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Expert Welder (NWTCS – EW)

Scope of Certification: To certify a candidate with respect to this competency in carrying out high quality welding with all types of welding processes using various materials e.g. carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum etc. and commensurate welding consumables for critical jobs.


Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out highly specialized welding jobs with high level of skill as required for various sectors of industries like Boiler and Pressure Vessels, fabrication-heavy duty and light duty, power, shipping and manufacturing etc.


Required Competence:

  1. He should be able to read and interpret WPS for different welding jobs being prepared using different welding processes and materials
  2. He should be familiar with operation of different welding equipments and should be able to set parameters for these equipments
  3. He should be able to prepare and set up the joint assemblies to be welded
  4. He should be able to carry out welding operations with different welding processes (including MMAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW, and PTAW. Gas welding, cutting & brazing, Plasma cutting etc.) equipments and consumables on different materials to prepare various critical weld joints require by industry to meet the radiographic and other requirements of various national and international code and specifications
  5. He should be able to perform post welding activities


Required Ability:

Should be able to weld Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminum plates, sheets and pipes in different welding positions using different welding processes with high level of skill

He should have knowledge in safety in industries and about different hazards in industries including fire hazard.


Required prerequisites:


  • Minimum class X pass with knowledge in regional language and Basic English vocabulary with adequate experience in handling different types of welding equipments, materials and consumables (May be relaxed in exceptional cases)
  • He should have sufficient experience and exposure to welding of different engineering materials used in various sectors of


  1. Qualification: Class XI pass or ITI in welding and have undergone basic training in MMAW, GMAW & GTAW welding
  2. Experience: In lieu of minimum qualification the candidate may have worked as a skilled worker for minimum 3 years in the same job
  3. Age: The Candidate should be of minimum 21 years of age on the date of application for certification


Required code of conduct:

The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.