- Training Programme: For enrolling in a training programme, a candidate has to approach any ATP and submit documents along with application fees. The documents will be screened by ATP and eligible candidates will be enrolled for training. During enrolment, he has to pay ATP training fees. The candidate is expected to sit for the next scheduled IIW-ANB certification exam.
- Certification Examination: It is not mandatory to join the training programme to appear in the certification exam. Any candidate (either trained through ATP or direct) meeting eligibility criteria can approach any ATC and submit documents along with application fees for registering him/herself in the ensuing certification exam. The documents submitted will be screened by ATC and eligible candidate’s dossier will be sent to ANB-India for final clearance. Once clearance is given, ATC can enrol the candidate for next scheduled certification exam. During enrolment, the candidate has to pay IIW-ANB exam fees. Once fee is obtained, registration number for certification exam will be provided by ANB-India.
After getting registered with ANB-India, if a candidate is not in a position to sit for the scheduled exam, s/he may do so under intimation to ANB-India well in advance. He has to sit for the exam within next 3 exams or 1 yr, whichever is more, failing which her/his registration with ANB-India will get cancelled and fees forfeited. Then he has to appear as fresh candidate.