The Inspector’s role begins well before welding starts, continues during welding operation, involves action after welding is completed, and is finished only when the results are properly reported. As a part of quality system, inspection activities are defined in an inspection and test plan, which clearly describes what, is required. The inspector is frequently responsible for producing documents that ensure traceability of the components and related fabricating action. Prior to welding, the inspector must be assured that the base materials and consumables are correct and the shop has approved welding procedures and appropriately qualified welders. Written procedures and competent operators are important to the production of a quality welded product, but the actual execution of the weld is also critical point for the inspector. Once the inspector is satisfied that all is in order for welding to proceed, the task becomes one of witnessing and monitoring. There are two basic interests at this point, ensuring that written procedures are followed and of course, watching for any physical sign of non-conformance of the final product. The inspector must verify that the base material and consumables are correct and observe the fit-up and preparation for weld. Once the welding is completed a new series of inspection tasks begin according to an approved procedure, keeping track of the status of examination and testing and selecting specific welds for further NDT or mechanical testing.
International Welding Inspector’s Diplomas are awarded following IIW IAB Guideline 041 latest edition in three levels of increasing knowledge, skill & responsibility starting with Basic level i.e.
1)Basic (IWI-B)
2)Standard (IWI-S) and
3)Comprehensive (IWE-C) respectively
A candidate completing the “Basic” level of training under this programme shall possess a general knowledge of welding and inspection application and theory. This knowledge base will enable the candidate to effectively perform the following tasks:
- Conduct direct unaided visual inspection to identify and evaluate welding imperfection according to acceptance criteria;
- Verify, witness and understand all welding related activities in fabrication, including (but not limited to) the following points:
- Verify the adequacy of information on NDT reports (VT, PT, MT, RT, UT) for conventional techniques;
- Verify data and adequacy of material certificates (base and filler materials);
- Verify identification and traceability of the materials during the fabrication process;
- Verify the compliance of raw materials and consumables against the applicable standards, codes and specifications;
- Verify the implementation of the WPS in production for conventional applications (e.g. arc welding processes, steels)
- Verify the implementation of PWHT specifications in production;
- Witness welder approval tests including testing of the specimens or test coupons;
- Witness production test coupons;
- Read and understand an Inspection Testing Plan;
- Read and understand the construction drawings in relation to inspection activities; and
- Report any of the above actions to a qualified supervisor.
A candidate completing the “Standard” level of training under this programme shall possess an advanced knowledge of welding and inspection theory and application. This knowledge base will enable the candidate to perform the following tasks (in addition to the IWI-B):
- Supervise the activities of the IWI-B;
- Develop and provide instructions to IWI-B;
- Develop, comment and review Quality Control Plans and Inspection and Testing Plans based on product standards, codes, specifications, drawings and regulatory requirements;
- Witness procedure qualification tests including testing of the specimens;
- Verify the compliance of WQPRs and WPSs and welder qualifications and approvals against the applicable standards, codes and specifications for conventional applications (e.g. arc welding processes, steels, aluminium alloys)
- Verify the compliance of PWHT specifications against the applicable standards, codes and specifications;
- Verify the compliance of raw materials and consumables certificates against the applicable standards, codes and specifications;
- Take decisions on acceptance of quality documents related to welding fabrication (e.g. NDT, material testing, production testing, etc.);
- Take decisions based on quality documents (e.g. NDT, material testing, production testing, etc.) according to the requirements defined for the construction;
- Verify radiographic films quality adequacy (no interpretation);
- Identify and verify the relevant NDT techniques for a welded construction; and
- Report on all the above actions.
A candidate completing the “Comprehensive” level of training under this programme shall possess an intimate knowledge of welding and inspection theory and application. This knowledge base will enable the candidate to perform the following tasks (in addition to the IWI-S and IWI-B):
- Manage the whole of the Welding Inspection activities;
- Supervise the activities of the IWI-S and IWI-B;
- Develop and provide instructions to IWI-S and IWI-B;
- Act as a technical expert for the Inspection function;
- Develop, comment and review Quality Control Plans and Inspection Testing Plans for applications not covered by product standards, codes, specifications, drawings and regulatory requirements; and
- Manage inspection activities for non-conventional applications with reference to materials, processes, and advanced destructive testing and NDT techniques
S.no | Documents | Click link below |
1 | IIW-IAB IWIP Course Guideline IAB 041 r5 19 Short | |
2 | IIW-India ANB Brochure IWIP Transition Route Nov 2018 | |
3 | IIW-India IWIP Access Condition | |
4 | Transition Criteria to qualify by Transition Route | |
5 | IWIP Transition- How to Apply r7 2020 | |
6 | Application Form for ANB refresher Course/Transition CAF: 34A | |
7 | ANB Registration Form for IWIP course CRF:16A r4 March 18 | |
8 | Course Calendar & Fees | Click Here |