General Information
The Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India vide their Gazette notification of year 2000 had decided that the Associate Membership Examinations, conducted by the Indian Institute of Welding, Kolkata is to be treated as a recognized qualification for the purpose of employment under the Central Government to the posts and services for which Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in the appropriate field is a prescribed qualification.
Subsequently the Ministry of Human Resources has decided that all Certificates and Qualifications awarded by Professional Bodies ( including the Indian Institute of Welding) will cease to have recognition after 31.05.2013 (on or from 01.06.2013), and the candidates are hereby informed that their examinations and award of Certificates stand suspended for an indefinite period as per the verdict of the Hon. Supreme Court of India and the subsequent Public Notice issued by the AICTE, till AICTE reviews its decision.
In other words, candidates who registered on or before 31.05.2013 may continue their examinations and on passing, be awarded Certificates having Govt. recognition as outlined above. Candidates who have registered after 31.05.2013 ( on or after 01.06.2013 ), and fresh candidates who register in future at the AM-IIW Examinations may express their interest in writing that they are willing to appear in the AM-IIW Examination, and upon passing, receive AM-IIW Certificate from the Institute without AICTE recognition.
AM-IIW Examination system is an educational programme and certification examination in the field of Welding Engineering. The course curriculum, syllabi and the examination have been so designed that a candidate passing out these examinations may be considered to have enough knowledge in the field of welding and joining. The Indian Institute of Welding, under its consideration, is holding this qualifying professional examination having the same standard as that of a Bachelor degree in Engineering offered by a recognised Indian or foreign University. The Indian Institute of Welding believes that the successful completion of AM-IIW Examination certificates that the Candidate has acquired a significant quantum of knowledge in basic and applied fields of Welding Technology which would positively contribute to quality of his work in the field of Welding and Fabrication.
After one passes all papers of AM-IIW Examination, one becomes eligible to become The Associate Member of The Indian Institute of Welding. He will also be awarded as a ‘National Welding Engineer’.
It is to be noted that the AM-IIW programme receives considerable financial support from the Institute along with the services of experts who are engaged in their labour of love for a nominal remuneration.